Carpet Cleaning in Scottsdale, AZ

Carpet Cleaning in Scottsdale, AZ

We clean area rugs, upholstery and tile & grout. All of our technicians are certified to do the work that they do. Hiring an inexperienced technician can do more harm to your carpet. Customers called us to clean carpet after another carpet cleaning  company was...
Phoenix, AZ: Carpet Cleaning Experts in the Valley

Phoenix, AZ: Carpet Cleaning Experts in the Valley

Living with pets will teach you that you must professionally clean your carpet on a regular basis. Pet dander, pet urine and much more is left behind when you are living with your furry friend. Though you might bath your cat or dog on a regular basis, they still shed...
Carpet Cleaning in Gilbert, AZ

Carpet Cleaning in Gilbert, AZ

Our technicians at Tempe Carpet Repair & Cleaning have seen every situation that is possible when it comes to your carpet. We provide quality service when it comes to carpet cleaning and carpet repairs. Living with dirty carpet is bad for your health and it makes...
Peoria, AZ: Carpet Cleaning Professionals

Peoria, AZ: Carpet Cleaning Professionals

It is easy to put off carpet cleaning until next time. Instead of paying for a professional carpet cleaner, it is easier to cover up that stain with an rug or a piece of furniture. Leaving spots, stains, dirt and grime in your carpet can damage the carpet fibers over...
Professionally Cleaning Carpet in Tempe, AZ

Professionally Cleaning Carpet in Tempe, AZ

Cleaning your carpet is one of those things we put on the back burner over and over again. We usually put it off to the very last minute when the carpet is in really bad condition. Leaving dirt, grime and other small particles in your carpet can damage the carpet...