Professionally Cleaning Carpet in Tempe, AZ

Professionally Cleaning Carpet in Tempe, AZ

Cleaning your carpet is one of those things we put on the back burner over and over again. We usually put it off to the very last minute when the carpet is in really bad condition. Leaving dirt, grime and other small particles in your carpet can damage the carpet...
Cleaning Carpet in Mesa, AZ

Cleaning Carpet in Mesa, AZ

Always do your research before hiring a company to come out to your home. When it comes to carpet cleaning, we use the top carpet cleaning solutions that are safe around pets and kids. We use a powerful truck mounted carpet cleaning unit that allows us to achieve the...
Carpet Cleaning Professionals in Phoenix, AZ

Carpet Cleaning Professionals in Phoenix, AZ

We have the #1  carpet cleaning services here in the Phoenix Valley and surrounding areas. Our carpet cleaning service starts off with a pre-vacuum of each area, then we pre-condition all high traffic areas prior to cleaning. We also have a spot treatment for any...
Stairs: Carpet Cleaning in Tempe, AZ

Stairs: Carpet Cleaning in Tempe, AZ

Not only do dirty carpets look bad, but they can contain pollutants, grime and other contaminants. The tiny dirt particles act like sandpaper, breaking down the carpet fibers over time. It is important to professionally clean your carpet regularly, especially in high...
Carpet Repair: Carpet-to-Tile Transition

Carpet Repair: Carpet-to-Tile Transition

Carpet can start to fray and come apart over time, especially in high traffic areas. Taking care of your carpet by vacuuming and steam cleaning them on a regular basis will help prolong the life of your carpet, but if your carpet is over 10 years old, it won’t...